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Ongoing project

Improving Australia’s ability to respond to graft transmissible citrus diseases (CT21005)

This investment is working to arm the citrus industry with appropriate tools and knowledge to protect Australian citrus from diseases that threaten industry sustainability.

3 July 2023

Ongoing project

National passionfruit breeding and evaluation program 2022-2027 (PF22000)

This investment is developing and evaluating new passionfruit varieties suitable to Australian growing regions to ensure the sustainability of the industry.

19 April 2023

Ongoing project

Australian Strawberry Breeding Program (BS22000)

This investment continues the development and commercial release of superior strawberry varieties for Australian environments, including temperate, subtropical and Mediterranean-growing regions

3 April 2023

Ongoing project

Building an advanced genomics platform for Australian horticulture (AS21006)

This investment is accelerating genetic improvements in banana, custard apple, papaya, passionfruit, and pineapple by deploying cutting-edge technology that greatly expands the genetic resources available and reduces the timelines typical of traditional crop breeding programs.

13 March 2023


New varieties of pineapple are on their way to deliver delicious fruit

Meet Nathan and Rhiannon Stevens, pineapple growers

14 November 2022


Breeding citrus varieties for growers and consumers

Meet Shane Kay, CEO of Moora Citrus in Perth, WA

14 November 2022

Ongoing project

Reducing the risk of illegally imported citrus budwood (CT19004)

This investment protects the citrus industry's health status by ensuring that disease-free, true-to-type propagation material is available to prevent incurable diseases from entering Australia.

5 October 2022

Ongoing project

New varieties for Australian banana growers (BA21002)

This investment is identifying banana varieties from global breeding programs with TR4 resistance and evaluating their performance in Australian conditions.

16 June 2022

Ongoing project

Evaluation of potential prunus rootstocks for almond production – stage 3 (AL20001)

This investment evaluates a range of potential new almond rootstocks and assesses their compatibility with the common almond cultivars grown in Australia and their performance under Australia's growing conditions.

2 June 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

New custard apple varieties and enhanced industry productivity (CU16002)

This investment developed new custard apple varieties, evaluating new rootstocks, and delivering industry development activities.

1 June 2022