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Fact sheet

Fact sheet: Automated plant counts in broccoli using UAV imagery

This fact sheet explores the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones across the vegetable industry to automate plant counts for crops such as broccoli, cauliflower and lettuce.

20 January 2020

Fact sheet

Fact sheet: Soil mapping technologies

This fact sheet provides  inforamtion on soil mapping technologies and how they can assist with making important agronomic management decisions.

20 January 2020

Fact sheet

Fact sheet: Drones in vegetable systems

This fact sheet explores the benefits and the advancement of drones in vegetable systems

20 January 2020

Fact sheet

Fact sheet: Getting started in PA

This fact sheet identifies some initial steps vegetable producers can take to get started with precision agriculture (PA).

20 January 2020

Fact sheet

Fact sheet: Soil mapping in vegetables using EM38

This fact sheet looks at soil mapping in vegetables using EM38

20 January 2020

Fact sheet

Fact sheet: Variable rate technologies

This fact sheet looks as variable rate technlogies and their practical application on farm.

20 January 2020

Fact sheet

Fact sheet: Yield monitoring in vegetables using load cells

This fact sheet expores yield monitoring in vegetables using load cells.

20 January 2020

Fact sheet

Fact sheet: Remote sensing to predict yield of vegetable crops

This fact sheet determines the potential for yield prediction from crop sensing imagery in carrots and sweet corn.

20 January 2020

Case study

Case study: Using soil sensing technologies to understand irrigation requirements

This case study looks at the use soil sensing technologies to understand irrigation requirements on Jack Abbott’s farm

19 January 2020

Case study

Case study: Using VR technology to manage within-field variability

This case study looks at the use of VR technology to manage within-field variability at Armidale Pty Ltd

19 January 2020