1211-1220 of 1839 results
Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2015-2018 (AH15001)
This across-industry investment is responsible for producing Hort Innovation’s annual Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook
12 December 2018
Onion 2017 edition 3
This Hort Innovation Onion Fund marketing snapshot is from September, 2017
13 September 2017
Understanding and mitigating the aggregative response to the magpie goose to mango orchards in the Northern Territory (MG15005)
This investment studied magpie geese around Darwin to find out why the birds cause damage to mango orchards and then to provide management options for growers
25 June 2019
Calcium cyanamide use in vegetables
The Calcium cyanamide use in vegetables fact sheet provides growers with an understanding of how the fertiliser works and how it should be applied to various vegetable crops.
15 June 2017
Damping off in spinach
This fact sheet addresses the causes of damping off in spinach as well as its symptoms, favoured conditions, diagnosis and management.
15 June 2017
Onion 2017 edition 2
This Hort Innovation Onion Fund marketing snapshot is from June, 2017
7 June 2017
Vegetable industry communication program 2016-2019 (VG15027)
This investment was responsible for effectively communicating the findings of levy-funded R&D and other relevant industry news, issues and data to vegetable growers and other industry stakeholders
30 August 2019
Building resilience to drupelet disorder on rubus (RB14003)
This project identified contributing causes to red drupelet disorder in blackberries, and looked at improved management practices pre, post and during harvest that might reduce its incidence
19 February 2019
Nursery 2018 edition 2
This Hort Innovation Nursery Fund marketing snapshot is from June, 2018
30 June 2018
Nursery 2018 edition 1
This Hort Innovation Nursery Fund marketing snapshot is from March, 2018
29 March 2018