1-10 of 99 results
Production nursery business continuity & preparation decision guide during a biosecurity incursion
This guide was developed to assist nursery production businesses in their decision-making post a biosecurity incursion.
15 December 2021
Guide to Testing for Seedborne and Soilborne Pathogens of Potatoes
This guide provides further information on how PREDICTA testing can assist growers in managing disease risk.
22 June 2021
Spotted wing drosophila management fact sheet
This fact sheet provides a management plan for spotted wing drosophila
16 June 2021
Control plan for spotted wing drosophila
This guide provides a control plan for spotted wing drosophila if it were to arrive in Australia
16 June 2021
A guide to Australian crop pollinating insects
This guideĀ provides a snapshot of the Australian pollinators in our crops
18 May 2021
2020-21 Australian apple and pear IPDM manual
This manual provides growers, researchers and extension specialists with a practical pest management strategy for the apple and pear industry.
10 May 2021
Legume vegetables: A guide to pesticide effects on beneficials
This guide provides information on the effects of pesticides on key beneficial insects that are important in legume vegetables.
23 October 2020
Cucurbits and fruiting vegetables: A guide to pesticide effects on beneficials
This guide provides information on the effects of pesticides on key beneficial insects that are important in cucurbits and fruiting vegetables
23 October 2020
Brassicas: A guide to pesticide effects on beneficials
This guide provides information on the effects of pesticides on key beneficial insects that are important in brassica crops.
23 October 2020
Stalk and stem vegetables: A guide to pesticide effects on beneficials
This guide provides information on the effects of pesticides on key beneficial insects that are important in stalk and stem vegetables.
23 October 2020