401-410 of 641 results
Management of bacterial leaf spot of tomato and pepper
Find in depth information for growers on how to manage bacterial leaf spot in tomato and pepper with this fact sheet.
31 August 2018
Bacterial leaf spot of tomato and pepper
Find bacterial leaf spot monitoring and management guidelines for Australian tomato and pepper growers.
31 August 2018
Nursery industry data tool
The Excel-based nursery industry data tool is designed to help nursery levy payers benchmark core aspects of their businesses against the results of an extensive 2016/17 survey of more than 220 Australian nursery production businesses.
27 February 2018
The impact of potato seed quality and handling on potato seed production, processing and fresh market production
This literature review delivers a summary of findings and recommendations for potato growers on potato seed quality and handling practices
31 August 2018
New Macadamia variety poster
This poster provides macadamia growers with a summary of the four new varieties released to industry and their traits to assist with selection.
31 December 2016
Variety R fact sheet
This fact sheet provides macadamia growers with a description of the new variety "G" released to industry including information on kernel, tree, disease, processing qualities and nut-in-shell yield.
31 December 2016
Variety P fact sheet
This fact sheet provides macadamia growers with a description of the new variety "P" released to industry including information on kernel, tree, disease, processing qualities and nut-in-shell yield.
31 December 2016
Variety J fact sheet
This fact sheet provides macadamia growers with a description of the new variety "J" released to industry including information on kernel, tree, disease, processing qualities and nut-in-shell yield.
30 December 2016
Variety G fact sheet
This fact sheet provides macadamia growers with a description of the new variety "G" released to industry including information on kernel, tree, disease, processing qualities and nut-in-shell yield.
31 December 2016
Managing carpophilus beetle in almonds
This fact sheet provides growers with monitoring and attract and kill guidelines, in particular the use of a stonefruit lure.
30 January 2016