61-70 of 304 results
Viruses in Australian almonds
This factsheet explores viruses in almonds and focuses on common pathogens that impact production in Australia.
30 August 2019
Managing mice in Australian almonds
This fact sheet provides information on managing mice in almonds
30 August 2019
Australian almond variety – Maxima
This fact sheet explores the typical characteristics of the Maxima almond variety
30 August 2019
Drought strategies for almonds
This fact sheet provides drought strategies for almonds
30 August 2019
Information on canker diseases
This fact sheet provides information on canker diseases in almonds
30 August 2019
Reducing the risk of spray drift - haloxyfop factsheet
This factsheet provides almond growers with guidelines on how to apply herbicides to grass weeds, with a focus on the product haloxyfop.
30 August 2019
Bee biodiversity factsheet
This factsheet explores the importance of biodiversity amongst pollinators for crops.
18 May 2020
Bee disease factsheet
This factsheet provides a snapshot into whether honeybee diseases are shared amongst other Australian pollinators.
18 May 2020
Flowering plants factsheet
This factsheet provides a snapshot of how wild pollinators can be encourage and promoted within orchards using native flowers.
18 May 2020
Managing virus diseases on zucchini fact sheet
This fact sheet summarises the symptoms, spread and control measures for viruses affecting zucchinis
9 April 2020