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Fact sheet

Bacterial leaf spot of tomato and pepper

Find bacterial leaf spot monitoring and management guidelines for Australian tomato and pepper growers.

31 August 2018

Data and insights

Nursery industry data tool

The Excel-based nursery industry data tool is designed to help nursery levy payers benchmark core aspects of their businesses against the results of an extensive 2016/17 survey of more than 220 Australian nursery production businesses.

27 February 2018

Fact sheet

Managing carpophilus beetle in almonds

This fact sheet provides growers with monitoring and attract and kill guidelines, in particular the use of a stonefruit lure. 

30 January 2016


Realising the potential of native vegetables

This booklet provides a summary of Australian native vegetables that have potential to be commercially viable and includes ideas on how to approach their commercialisation.

21 December 2017

Fact sheet

Berry Export Strategy 2028

The Berry Export Strategy 2028 provides the strawberry, raspberry and blackberry sectors with a strategic assessment of future opportunities for export market development.

30 June 2018

Fact sheet

Citrus tristeza virus in Australia

This fact sheet provides a snapshot of Citrus tristea virus and how citrus growers can act to reduce its impact on their crops.

30 June 2018

Fact sheet

Soil management, organic matter, biological activity and disease suppression

This fact sheet outlines how management of soil in banana crops can impact the suppression of Panama disease.

14 December 2018

Fact sheet

Quaternary ammonium (QA) products: How can you monitor them? How long are they effective for and are they corrosive?

This fact sheet provides a summary of research into how growers can effectively manage and monitor the concentration of QA products in biosecurity infrastructure.

13 December 2018

Fact sheet

Multi-scale monitoring tools for managing Australian tree crops

This fact sheet outlines how multi-scale monitoring tools can be used to manage Australian tree crops and how this is relevant to the banana industry.

13 December 2018

Fact sheet

Quaternary ammonium products aid in the management of Foc

This fact sheet provides practical advice for growers on the use of disinfectant products to combat Panama disease in bananas.

13 December 2018