161-170 of 203 results
Fact sheet: Managing fruit speckle
This is a fact sheet to help growers manage fruit speckle
2 April 2017
Fact sheet: Top ways to manage banana fungicide resistance
This is a fact sheet to help growers to manage banana fungicide resistance
2 April 2017
Fact sheet: Banana spider mites
This is a fact sheet to help banana growers manage spider mites
1 April 2017
Biosecurity Framework for the Australian banana industry
Biosecurity Framework for the Australian banana industry aims to examine the current extent of biosecurity preparedness within the banana industry
17 March 2017
Water quality strategy
This is the Northern Queensland Banana Industry Water Quality Strategy 2017 - 2020
1 March 2017
Development of phenology models and a timing guide for the management of red scale in Australian citrus
This fact sheet provides citrus growers with a project update and background on red scale phenology and how this will affect management techniques.
1 March 2017
Harvest strategy tip sheet
The Harvest strategy tip sheet is a compilation of tips for macadamia growers for different aspects of the harvest process and includes grower comments.
26 February 2017
Integrated orchard nutrition info for macadamia growers
The Integrated orchard nutrition fact sheet provides macadamia growers with an overview of integrated orchard nutrition (ION) including self-assessment questions to identify the opportunity for implementing or improving an ION approach.
26 February 2017
Harvest strategy checklist
The Harvest strategy checklist provides a range of base line self-assessment questions which will assist macadamia growers to identify any areas of improvement in their harvesting strategy.
23 February 2017
Scale insects: A difficult problem that can be managed
This fact sheet provides a pest management plan for growers with background on the biology of the most common scale insects likely to be encountered in production nurseries around Australia
23 February 2017