51-60 of 203 results
Developing Asian markets for Australian strawberries
This fact sheet provides growers with a snapshot of the current export situation for strawberries in Asian markets and a list of key considerations that should be made
28 June 2019
Managing foliar and fruit diseases in strawberries
This fact sheet summarises the information growers need to know about sustainably managing foliar and fruit diseases in their strawberry crop
30 June 2019
Organic strawberries
This fact sheet explores the opportunity surrounding organic strawberries in Australia
30 June 2019
New technology in strawberry production
This fact sheet summarises a number of technological advancements that have had a direct impact on strawberry production
30 June 2019
Managing your soil – Crop rotation and soil amendments
This fact sheet provides growers with information on how to improve soil health through crop rotations and soil amendments
30 June 2019
Integrated pest management for reducing magpie goose damage to mango orchards
A fact sheet providing mango growers with recommendations on how to reduce magpie goose damage to their orchards
30 August 2019
Rust diseases and their management in production nurseries (a 2018 Nursery Paper)
A fact sheet on rust disease for nursery growers covers symptoms, transmission and management options
20 July 2018
Monitoring Carpophilus beetle – an update
This fact sheet shows how to monitor Carpophilus beetle as part of integrated pest management in almonds
21 June 2019
Impact of pesticides and fungicides on beneficial species fact sheet
This fact sheet shows how beneficial species are affected by pesticides and fungicides, to inform effective integrated pest management in almonds
21 June 2019
Nursery industry career path development strategy
Strategy for the nursery industry workforce to address problems including a shortage of skilled workers and defined career paths
20 June 2019