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An Extraordinary General Meeting of members has been calledThe brief, virtual meeting will be held in October and all current Voting Members of Hort Innovation are encouraged to take part. What’s happening? An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of

7 September 2020


Horticulture grant on offer for young Australians

ArticleHort Innovation is partnering with the 2021 Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, a competitive grant program that seeks to advance the careers of young researches, scientists, producers and

18 August 2020


Renewed funding for plant biosecurity research

ArticleHort Innovation welcomes the announcement of the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative program renewal. This week, Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, David Littleproud backed the future for plant health research in

16 July 2020


My Market Kitchen – episode 2

Watch the episode, meet the grower, get the recipe, check out the nutritional facts, and discover research projects relating to custard apples and other featured produce

26 June 2020


Selwyn Snell to retire as Chair of Hort Innovation

ArticleAFTER 11 impactful years, Hort Innovation Chair Selwyn Snell is set to retire from horticulture’s research and development corporation in November this year. The change comes as the company’s Constitution calls for three of its nine sitting

5 June 2020


Key sustainability issues identified for Australian horticulture

ArticleNEW RESEARCH for Hort Innovation has identified the sustainability topics that are most important to people interested in Australian horticulture, from growers through to consumers and communities. Having ethical and resilient practices,

22 May 2020


Green Walls bridge gap between urban cities and nature

Media ReleaseTHERE IS now a simple and easy way to remove pollution from the air, promote biodiversity and naturally control the temperature in your home – and it’s all thanks to a new community-focused resource designed to help urban dwellers go

16 March 2020


Fall armyworm update and alert

Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) is an exotic pest that has recently been detected for the first time in Australia. Hort Innovation is keeping a close eye on the situation and is currently working with the relevant authorities to prepare and protect the horticulture sector against any potential spread of fall armyworm.

30 October 2020

Fact sheet

Tree stock standard testing process summary card

This summary card provides nursery growers with key information on the testing process for the new tree stock standard

12 December 2018


Tree stock standard brochure

This brochure describes key research findings, the new tree stock standard for nursery and a how-to guide for testing against the standard

12 December 2018