11-20 of 33 results
Protecting pollinators from pesticides: Developing safer, selective pesticides targeting Varroa mite and small hive beetle hormone receptors (PH20003)
This investment is investigating safer, environmentally-friendly pesticides that target the hormone receptors of varroa mite and small hive beetle without negatively impacting honey bees.
16 June 2022
Entomopathogenic nematodes as biological control agents of important honey bee pests in Australia (PH21004)
This investment is testing the efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes as biological control agents against two significant pests of honey bees in Australia, the small hive beetle and the wax moth, and developing novel biological control options for these pests.
11 May 2022
Probiotics in honey bees to fight bacterial and fungal diseases (PH21003)
This investment is developing and implementing innovative probiotics as low-cost and chemical-free treatments for honey bee diseases.
28 April 2022
The business of pollen collection in horticulture (PH19004)
This short project provided a high-level, comprehensive understanding of the needs and opportunities for the development of pollen donor farms to service the Australian horticulture industry.
4 April 2023
Securing pollination for productive agriculture: guidelines for effective pollinator management and stakeholder adoption (PH16004)
This project collected and disseminated information needed to design meaningful action to enhance pollination security and resilience for farmers of pollination dependent crops.
31 March 2021
National Bee Pest Surveillance Program: Transition program (MT21008)
This investment is delivering a national coordinated bee-pest surveillance program to help safeguard honey-bee and pollinator-dependent industries in Australia.
19 January 2022
Loss of horticultural pollination services from wild insects following bushfires (PH20002)
This project estimated the impact of the loss of pollination services by conducting a case study of an extreme event (major bushfire) on wild pollinator communities and the pollination services they provide to a focal horticultural crop (apple).
30 April 2024
Crop and varietal data to better understand the importance of pollination (PH20001)
This project will ensure that all available crop pollination dependency data is easily accessible to relevant stakeholders
10 August 2021
Development of blue-banded bees as managed buzz pollinators (PH19001)
This project is developing a range of management techniques that will enhance the potential of using blue-banded bees as an alternative pollinator in commercial greenhouses.
10 August 2021
Novel technologies and practices for the optimisation of pollination within protected cropping environments (ST19000)
This program has laid the groundwork for new and integrated crop pollination methods to reduce the risks associated with the high dependence on honey bees and enhance pollination outcomes in protected cropping systems across a range of horticultural crops.
12 June 2024