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Completed project

Risk and crisis management planning for the sweetpotato industry (PW20002)

This investment delivered a crisis management plan for the sweetpotato industry.

1 December 2022

Completed project

Risk and crisis management planning for the onion industry (VN20001)

This investment delivered a crisis management plan for the onion industry.

6 December 2022

Completed project

Food safety and QA risk management (MU16000)

This project provided an effective risk management mechanism for the mushroom industry through programmed, proactive and reactive activities.

5 August 2020

Completed project Final Research Report

Ensuring business continuity during biosecurity incursions – social and economic research learnings for the production nursery industry (NY18010)

This investment developed a framework for the nursery industry with recommended actions that could be quickly actioned during a biosecurity incursion, with the aim of minimising social and/or economic damage and ensuring business continuity.

15 December 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Nursery industry natural disaster risk mitigation and recovery plan (NY18008)

This project assessed the potential for natural disasters and severe weather events to impact on the Australian production nursery industry and developed strategies and resources for better preparedness, speedier recovery and stronger resilience.

28 September 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Mushroom crisis management review (MU16001)

This work identified potential risks to the Australian mushroom industry, updated the industry’s crisis management plan, and provided crisis management training to relevant industry personnel.

5 February 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Crisis management awareness program (TU16003)

This project has equipped turf industry leaders and key stakeholders with the required tools and insights for effective crisis management, and provided the industry with a clear and well-informed plan for managing critical issues and events.

30 September 2018

Completed project

Risk and crisis management planning for the olive industry (OL16011)

A comprehensive risk management and crisis preparedness and response plan was developed by this investment for the Australian olive industry.

31 July 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Food safety, training, extension and capacity for the melon industry (VM17002)

This investment strengthened the food safety systems of the Australian melon industry, by supporting the adoption of best practice across the supply chain

1 May 2019