61-70 of 72 results
Research and education of health professionals relating to the health benefits of almond consumption (AL12001)
This project communicated almond health research and evidence to Australian health professionals through events and resources.
6 January 2017
Nursery industry national conference and regional technical conferences (NY13702)
National Nursery & Garden Industry conferences in 2014 and 2016 were funded through this investment, as well as a series of regional nursery conferences in 2015.
11 October 2016
Young Leader Development Program (NY13017)
The Nursery Industry Young Leader Development Program was supported in 2014 and 2015 through this investment, offering professional and personal development for participants.
27 May 2016
Development of a vegetable education kit (VG13089)
The development of a vegetable education resource for use in Australian schools was progressed under this project.
22 March 2016
Updating and republishing valuable vegetable industry resources (VG12087)
The Veg Pest ID app to help vegetable growers identify pests and diseases was produced by this investment, which also updated and published field guides describing pests, diseases and disorders of brassica, babyleaf, sweetpotato, sweet corn, carrots, celery and parsley.
8 October 2015
Student scholarship: ‘Orcharding the Future: the influence of temperature on pome fruit flowering across Australia’ (AP13023)
This investment supported research into the influence of temperature in flowering (green tip timing) in Cripps Pink apple.
2 October 2015
Industry Development and Capacity Building using the Nursery Production Farm Management System 2013-2015 - Phase 3 (NY12016)
This project funded a suite of activities to drive nursery industry development and market access based on the Nursery Production Farm Management System.
13 July 2015
Evaluation of quality assurance software for the vegetable industry (VG13082)
Technology tools to help vegetable growers manage compliance-related paperwork were documented and evaluated in this research, including computer software, apps and cloud-based and web-based platforms.
26 February 2015
Attracting and retaining young professionals in horticulture (MT11006)
This project delivered agriculture exposure to Australian science teachers and students, through the Primary Industry Centre for Science Education.
5 February 2019
Banana industry support for Nuffield Australia Farming Scholarship (BA11003)
This investment supported a Nuffield Scholarship in 2013, with the recipient looking at banana biosecurity, fruit quality and waste management.
14 October 2014