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Ongoing project

Almond Centre of Excellence operation and maintenance (AL23000)

This project provides for the ongoing operations, maintenance and expansion of the Almond Centre of Excellence (ACE).

24 October 2023

Ongoing project

Narrow orchard systems for future climates (AS22002)

This program is establishing research sites across the country to determine whether transitioning to narrower orchard systems could benefit pome and stone fruits.

22 August 2023

Ongoing project

Building an advanced genomics platform for Australian horticulture (AS21006)

This investment is accelerating genetic improvements in banana, custard apple, papaya, passionfruit, and pineapple by deploying cutting-edge technology that greatly expands the genetic resources available and reduces the timelines typical of traditional crop breeding programs.

13 March 2023

Ongoing project

A gene technology platform for disease resistance in horticultural tree crops (huanglongbing and Xylella) (AS21005)

This investment is introducing a new gene technology platform for disease resistance to Australia. The technology is best described as the equivalent of a vaccination for fruit and nut trees that could provide lifetime protection against diseases in horticultural tree crops such as Huanglongbing and Xylella.

30 January 2023

Ongoing project

Sustainably growing horticulture value in cool climate Australia (AS20004)

This investment is tackling the barriers to sustainable expansion in cool climate horticulture by addressing critical issues and risks associated with climatic variability and extremes in temperature and rainfall.

6 December 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Lean design workshop to understand future challenges for horticulture production in tropical and subtropical regions of Australia (AS21003)

This short project delivered a framework that can be used as a guide for strategic planning and investment in transformational research and development (R&D) for sustainable, productive, and profitable futuristic tropical and subtropical horticulture.

3 July 2023

Ongoing project

Effective fall armyworm pheromone blends for improved monitoring and population estimation in Australia (AS21000)

This investment is investigating the geographical variation of the sex pheromone in fall armyworm populations in Australia

2 June 2022

Ongoing project

Novel microbiome technologies to increase profitability for Australian horticulture (AS19004)

This investment is tasked with developing and deploying new microbiome technologies that will increase the yield, and therefore profitability, of annual and perennial Australian horticultural crops.

8 April 2022

Completed project

Management of insecticide resistance in serpentine leafminer (Liriomyza huidobrensis) (AS20002)

This project developed and delivered cost-effective and accurate insecticide resistance surveillance tools and management strategies for serpentine leafminer in Australia.

26 June 2024

Completed project

Phase 1: Scoping workshop - Real time decision support system for remote monitoring of crops (AS20006)

This investment examined key challenges affecting horticulture industries to inform a future investment into developing a real-time decision support system for remote monitoring of crops.

13 December 2021