1031-1040 of 1519 results
Mango supply chain data collection – phase 4 (MG17006)
This data collection program provided Australian mango growers and other industry participants with regular domestic reporting on mango wholesale prices and eating quality.
31 May 2019
Food safety, training, extension and capacity for the melon industry (VM17002)
This investment strengthened the food safety systems of the Australian melon industry, by supporting the adoption of best practice across the supply chain
1 May 2019
Communications and extension for the Australian prune industry (DP18000)
Best practice information and news was delivered to the Australian prune industry through this investment.
19 December 2019
National almond breeding and evaluation program (AL17005)
This investment continued to run a targeted breeding program to develop and evaluate new almond varieties with improved production characteristics.
11 July 2023
Australian table grape industry communications project (TG15008)
This investment maintained and improved communication to Australian table grape growers and other industry stakeholders
29 May 2019
Potato industry communication program 2016-18 (PT15007)
This investment aimed to grow awareness and on-farm adoption of the results of levy-funded projects for the Australian fresh potato industry.
27 June 2019
Mango industry minor use program (MG16004)
This project funds submitting renewals and applications for minor use permits for the mango industry.
9 December 2018
Generation of pesticide data – Sigastus weevil (MC17007)
This investment involved field trials with two insecticides to produce residue, crop safety and efficacy data, which were used to support minor use applications for the macadamia industry.
30 July 2019
National strawberry varietal improvement program (BS17000)
This investment continued the work of the national strawberry breeding, evaluation and release program.
15 December 2022
Australian olive industry communications and extension program (OL18000)
This investment promoted world-best practice and the results of R&D in grove management and olive oil production to the Australian olive industry.
20 October 2022