1311-1320 of 1519 results
Developing export markets for Australian almonds (AL12016)
This investment supported export market development for Australian almonds in key international markets such as China, Japan and others.
22 September 2016
Australian table grape quality audit 2015-2016 (TG15502)
This project conducted an audit of table grape eating quality in 2015/16 and compared results with the national table grape quality audit undertaken in 2014/15.
20 September 2016
Delivering robust citrus market information for a more competitive industry (CT13037)
This project made timely, robust national citrus market information available to stakeholders across the citrus value chain.
11 September 2016
Driving awareness and adoption of the citrus industry R&D program through targeted communications (CT13024)
This investment supported the citrus industry's communications program from 2013 to 2015, including production of the Australian Citrus News magazine.
11 September 2016
Market development for the apple industry (AP11016)
This project funded the role and activities of an APAL market development manager for the Australian apple and pear industry between 2011 and 2016.
11 September 2016
Women's grower study tour 2014-2016 (VG13706)
This investment supported vegetable industry participation in the 2015 Women in Horticulture Industry Leadership and Development Mission - a study tour to Europe.
3 September 2016
Total Non-Structural Carbohydrate Testing in Macadamias (MC13009)
This project looked at using measures of non-structural carbohydrate levels as a potential predictor of crop load in macadamia nut trees.
11 August 2016
202020 Vision: Goods Line monitoring and evaluation research proposal (NY13024)
This project showcased the benefits of urban greening by exploring the social and environmental benefits emerging from the redevelopment of the Goods Line old railway pathway in Sydney.
5 August 2016
Improving market access to China for Australian summerfruit (SF14000)
This project supported new market access for Australian nectarines into China, with a range of work to build awareness, relationships and knowledge.
2 August 2016
Economic modelling of the impact of increased vegetable intake on health costs and grower returns (VG15031)
This project modelled the impact of increased vegetable consumption on grower returns and also on government health expenditure.
29 July 2016