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Completed project Final Research Report

Understanding and managing the impacts of climate change on Australian mushroom production (MU17008)

This investment is identifying climate-related risks to the Australian mushroom industry and how they can be managed now and into the future.

29 May 2020

Completed project

Contribution to the 2nd International Macadamia Research Symposium (MC16700)

This investment allowed Australian macadamia industry attendance at the 2017 International Macadamia Research Symposium in Hawaii.

1 November 2018

Completed project

Treatment for mites on lychee fruit prior to irradiation for improved market access (LY16002)

This project explored parraffinic oil and fruit washing as an effective approach to removing mites and micro insect pests prior to export of lychees.

4 April 2019

Completed project

Development of high health status mother planting for new Australian almond varieties (AL16004)

Under this investment, mother plantings of new, Australian-bred varietal almond trees were planted at two sites in the Riverland to provide additional high-health-status budwood material to nurseries for grafting.

3 April 2019

Completed project

Innovative solutions for management of tospoviruses of vegetable crops (VG14063)

This investment has produced genetic information on tospoviruses, with the view to developing novel management solutions.

3 April 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Australian olive industry benchmarking program (OL16001)

Olive industry benchmarking data was delivered through this investment, to allow growers to assess the performance of their businesses against the wider industry.

29 March 2019

Completed project

Strengthened biosecurity for the Australian vegetable industry – stage 2 (VG15020)

This investment supported the role and activities of the Vegetable Industry Biosecurity Advisor at AUSVEG from 2015 to 2018.

29 March 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

First Detector Network: USA Huanglongbing and citrus canker (CT18003)

This investment funded a field visit to the United States, for Australian representatives to see and learn from current efforts to detect and control exotic pests Huanglongbing and citrus canker.

30 September 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Custard Apple Dispatch System 2 – CADS 2 (CU15000)

This project was responsible for continuing the administration and upgrading of the Custard Apple Dispatch System (CADS) between early 2016 and early 2019.

28 March 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Data analytics and application technology to guide on farm irrigation (VG15054)

This project aimed to improve irrigation decisions on-farm by providing growers with crop-specific information on evapotranspiration levels

22 November 2018