261-270 of 860 results
Spongospora infection of potato roots – ecology, epidemiology and control (PT14002)
This project improved current understanding of the pathogen that causes powdery scab and identified opportunities for improved disease management
21 November 2018
Reconnaissance and recommendations for mistletoe management in macadamia orchards (MC18001)
This project summarised current knowledge about mistletoe management and provided interim recommendations as well as priorities for future research
22 January 2019
Passionfruit postharvest best practice review (PF18002)
This project has delivered an Australian Passionfruit Postharvest Best Practice Guide to support industry in adopting postharvest best practice.
14 October 2019
Nuffield scholarship for a horticulturalist from the potato industry (PT18001)
This investment supported a Nuffield Scholarship for the Australian potato industry.
16 April 2021
Raspberry and blackberry consumer insights research (RB18000)
This investment delivered insights about raspberry and blackberry consumers
30 April 2019
Avocado retail sampling (AV18006)
Over the summer of 2018/19, this project investigated an issue with a high incidence of rots in avocados on Australian retail shelves.
13 March 2019
Communicating the nutrition and health benefits of avocados (AV18004)
This project brought together research on the nutritional properties and health benefits of avocados, consolidating all currently permitted health and nutrition claims.
12 March 2019
Apple and pear industry leadership initiative (AP15015)
This investment supported Apple & Pear New Horizons Scholarships for young people, to help accelerate change in the apple and pear industry.
12 March 2019
Potato stakeholder needs analysis and extension strategy development (PT18003)
This investment looked at the Australian potato industry’s needs, wants and opportunities around extension and communication activities, and develop a proposed integrated approach to delivering them
1 March 2019
Mechanisms and manipulation of resistance to powdery scab in potato roots (PT17003)
This project investigated root resistance to powdery scab infection in potatoes.
24 May 2023