511-520 of 860 results
New genetic targets to improve quality in papaya (PP15000)
This investment supports the improvement of Australia papaya quality through breeding programs that produce elite, uniform cultivars and to support industry development.
28 September 2018
Management of Carpophilus beetle in almonds (AL15004)
This project investigated the species of Carpophilus responsible for damaging almond crops, and looked at the use of an attract and kill system in reducing damage by the pest.
27 September 2018
Supply chain quality improvement – cool chain best practice guidelines (AV15010)
This investment has produced resources to allow the adoption of best-practice in avocado cool-chain management and post-harvest handling across all sectors of the avocado supply chain, from orchard to retail.
27 September 2018
Where should all the trees go? – delivering the insights (NY17000)
This project delivered workshop-style 'Green Light Tour' information sessions across Australia that communicated the results of an earlier study into the impact of tree canopy cover on socio-economic status and well-being to industry leaders, landscape architects, government department staff and other relevant stakeholders.
19 September 2018
Implementation of recommendations from the Avocado Nursery Voluntary Accreditation Scheme review (AV16013)
This investment involved the implementation of recommendations from the review of the Avocado Nursery Voluntary Accreditation Scheme (ANVAS) to improve the scheme and its guidelines to ensure they are best placed to protect the industry's productivity and profitability.
19 September 2018
Olive industry communications program (OL16006)
This program was responsible for keeping Australian olive growers and other industry stakeholders informed about key industry issues and the latest R&D activities and results in a timely way.
19 September 2018
Capacity building, information, technology and extension for the Australian mango industry (MG13017)
The role and activities of a mango industry development officer were supported by this investment between 2014 and 2018. Work included mango crop forecasts, export support, biosecurity activities and more.
18 September 2018
Improving processing vegetable yields through improved production practices (VG16011)
This project was tasked with identifying, assessing and bringing to growers new innovations for increasing yields or reducing input costs for processing vegetable crops in Australia.
11 September 2018
Facilitating the development of the Australian pineapple industry - stage 3 (PI15000)
This project supported the adoption of innovation and technology in the Australian pineapple industry through the role of an industry development officer
11 September 2018
Australian turf industry study tour 2018 (TU17007)
This investment faciliated an industry study tour to New Zealand in June 2018 which provided an opportunity for growers to learn from the experience and as a result, support the growth and development of the Australian turf industry.
6 September 2018