591-600 of 860 results
In-transit ripening and prediction of outturn quality for mango (MG12016)
In-transit ripening for mangoes was explored by this research, including controlling temperature, ethylene and carbon dioxide levels.
7 June 2017
Review of the Biosecurity Plan for the Apple and Pear Industry (AP15003)
The apple and pear industry's biosecurity plan was updated under this project in 2015 for strengthened understanding and preparedness around biosecurity risks.
6 June 2017
Optimal management of pre-harvest rot in sweet cherry (CY13001)
This project investigated the identity and management of pre-harvest rot pathogens in sweet cherries and produced identification guides for growers and a risk assessment tool.
5 June 2017
Comparing the performance of new cherry rootstocks soon to be available to industry (CY12010)
Information on cherry dwarfing rootstocks was produced by this research, as well as recommendations on the use of bench grafted trees.
2 June 2017
New in-field treatment solutions to control fruit fly (VG13041)
Ways to improve management of fruit fly in vegetable crops were investigated in this research, including new chemical controls, baiting and more.
31 May 2017
Study groups enabling industry adaption to pineapple market changes (PI13006)
Pineapple study groups were run through this project, while resources including The Pineapple Problem Solver Field Guide and the industry's updated Best Practice Manual were also developed.
29 May 2017
Developing virus molecular diagnostics for post entry quarantine and certification of strawberry runners (BS12009)
A diagnostics manual for post-entry quarantine and certification of strawberry runners was developed under this investment.
26 May 2017
Fruit maturity assessment on farm using near-infrared technology (MG16002)
This project helped mango growers adopt near-infrared technology for assessing and tracking fruit maturity leading up to and during harvest 2016/17.
26 May 2017
Development and publication of the macadamia industry Integrated Orchard Management booklet (MC14007)
The Macadamia Integrated Orchard Management Practice Guide, Drainage Guide and other resources were produced by this project.
12 May 2017
Australian Stonefruit Grower magazine 2016 (SF15003)
This project was responsible for the production of the Australian Stonefruit Grower magazine, between 2016 and 2017.
8 May 2017