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Ongoing project

Optimising almond production systems (AL21001)

This project is building confidence in the almond industry by improving the efficiency of production through transitioning to higher density orchard systems.

31 August 2022

Ongoing project

Nursery usage and attitudes benchmark program (NY22200)

This project is benchmarking consumers’ attitudes and perceptions of the nursery category.

31 August 2022

Ongoing project

Growing robust avocados (AV21005)

This project is increasing the quality of Australian avocado production by supporting the industry to grow robust produce through targeting the development of pre-harvest management strategies, focusing on soil moisture, soil nutrition, environment, and crop management.

31 August 2022

Ongoing project

Scientific review for classification of unsweetened citrus juice in the Australian Dietary Guidelines (CT21004)

This project aims to understand the misconceptions that have led to a negative perception of 100 per cent no added sugar citrus juice.

31 August 2022

Ongoing project

Non-synthetic alternatives to complement pest and disease management practices in mushrooms (MU22000)

This project is improving the Australian mushroom industry's knowledge of the potential of non-synthetic bioprotectants in an integrated pest and disease management (IPDM) approach.

31 August 2022

Ongoing project

Serviced supply chains II (AM21000)

This project is delivering decision support tools for growers and exporters to manage supply chain risks and deliver consistent product quality.

31 August 2022

Ongoing project

Collaborative food and wine market development project (HA20005)

This project is delivering a platform to communicate Australia’s common positive attributes, develop common messaging about premium Australian food and wine in four markets and strengthen visibility of Australian branding overseas.

31 August 2022

Ongoing project

Blueberry industry minor use permit program (BB21000)

Through this project, levy funds and Australian Government contributions are used to submit renewals and applications for minor use permits for the blueberry industry as required.

30 August 2022

Ongoing project

Environmental DNA technologies for rapid detection and identification of avocado priority pests (AV21003) (AV21003b)

This investment is developing environmental DNA (eDNA) technologies for the rapid detection and identification of priority pests for the avocado industry.

4 August 2022

Ongoing project

Avocado industry biosecurity capacity and capability building: phase II (AV21003) (AV21003a)

This investment is bolstering biosecurity for the Australian avocado industry by monitoring and delivering new diagnostic protocols for key threats.

4 August 2022