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Ongoing project

Dried grape production innovation and adoption program 2021-2026 (DG21000)

This project is assisting dried grape producers access and share leading and emerging research and knowledge on production techniques to grow skills, improve productivity and keep quality high.

14 October 2021

Ongoing project

Processing tomato industry development and extension (TM20000)

This project is delivering effective research, development and capacity building solutions to Australian processing tomato businesses, to improve profitability and sustainability.

16 September 2021

Ongoing project

Preparedness and management of huánglóngbìng (Citrus greening disease) to safeguard the future of citrus industry in Australia, China and Indonesia (CT20003)

This project is leveraging global knowledge on huánglóngbìng (HLB) and investigating effective and efficient options for the citrus industry in tackling this pest.

8 September 2021

Ongoing project

ARC research hub for sustainable crop protection (bioclay) (BS20777)

This investment is supporting the development of a BioClay compound to target botrytis in strawberries.

7 September 2021

Ongoing project

Mushrooms and their potential health benefits of lowering blood cholesterol (MU20001)

This project is generating scientific evidence on mushrooms and their ability to lower blood cholesterol.

17 August 2021

Ongoing project

Protecting Australia's citrus genetic material (CT21002)

This investment is ensuring that disease-free, propagation material is available to the citrus industry to prevent incurable diseases from entering citrus orchards.

17 August 2021

Ongoing project

iMapPESTS: Sentinel Surveillance for Agriculture (ST16010)

This project supports the iMapPESTS development which works to enhance pest management decision-making.

10 August 2021

Ongoing project

Optimising nutrient management for improved productivity and fruit quality in cherries (ST16005)

This project will assist primary producers increase nitrogen use efficiency.

10 August 2021

Ongoing project

Crop and varietal data to better understand the importance of pollination (PH20001)

This project will ensure that all available crop pollination dependency data is easily accessible to relevant stakeholders

10 August 2021

Ongoing project

Development of blue-banded bees as managed buzz pollinators (PH19001)

This project is developing a range of management techniques that will enhance the potential of using blue-banded bees as an alternative pollinator in commercial greenhouses.

10 August 2021