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Ongoing project

Internal fruit rot of capsicum (VG17012)

This investment is investigating the causes behind internal fruit rot in capsicums and developing management techniques for growers to both prevent infection and minimise the risk of sending damaged fruit to market.

2 March 2020

Ongoing project

National macadamia breeding and evaluation program (MC19000)

This investment continues to progress genetic improvement for the Australian macadamia industry

2 March 2020

Ongoing project

Investigation into citrus blossom bugs in avocados (AV19000)

This investment is developing an understanding of the biology and ecology of citrus blossom bug and its impact on the Australian avocado industry

1 March 2020

Ongoing project

Digital technologies for dynamic management of disease, stress and yield (TG16003)

This cross-agriculture investment is developing innovative processes and precision technologies for the grape- and cotton-growing industries.

22 October 2019

Ongoing project

Developing a database of bio-markers for compost quality control to maximise mushroom production yield (MU17006)

This investment is exploring how microbial populations within compost can be used to understand, measure and manipulate compost quality.

12 July 2019

Ongoing project

Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2018-19 to 2020-21 (HA18002)

This across-industry investment is responsible for producing Hort Innovation’s annual Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook.

22 May 2019

Ongoing project

Sweetpotato industry minor use program (PW18002)

This project funds submitting renewals and applications for minor use permits for the sweetpotato industry.

6 May 2019

Ongoing project

Review of the biosecurity plan for the berry sector (MT18004)

This project will deliver a cohesive biosecurity plan for the Australian berry sector

1 March 2019

Ongoing project

National papaya breeding and evaluation program (PP18000)

This project is responsible for breeding and evaluating new red and yellow papaya varieties

1 March 2019

Ongoing project

Educational opportunities around the perceptions and aversions to vegetables through digital media – long-form video (VG16018)

This investment supports the continued activities of the Phenomenom web series and related resources for increasing kids' educaiton around and attitudes towards vegetables

22 January 2019