141-150 of 306 results
An investigation of low-cost protective cropping (VG13075)
This project investigated and trialed low-cost protective cropping options for vegetable growers. This information was then extended to growers through a series of workshops, presentations in key growing regions and fact sheets.
16 December 2016
Increased stone fruit profitability by consistently meeting market expectations (SF12003)
This project was responsible for the establishment of the world-class Stonefruit Field Laboratory at DEDJTR-Tatura in Victoria, and through this the investigation of management practices to produce high-quality fruit and so increase grower productivity and profitability.
14 December 2018
Remediation of soil contaminated by Salmonella enterica to expedite plant or replant of vegetables (VG13039)
This project investigated the effect of soil type, temperature, moisture and presence/absence of chicken manure on the survival of Salmonella enterica.
14 December 2018
Closing the ‘green city loop’ – green organics for urban green environments (MT13042)
This project investigated the use of biochars produced from urban and farm green waste in the nursery and turf industries.
25 March 2015
Improving mango quality through accurate harvest maturity (MG13015)
This research piloted the use of dry matter assessment to determine mango maturity and provided in-market assessments of fruit quality through its run.
15 April 2014
Improving fruit quality and profitability of Honey Gold mango (MG10009)
Improving Honey Gold mango fruit quality was the focus of this work, including investigating factors that contribute to fruit downgrading.
12 June 2014
Communicating efficient irrigation practices in the horticultural industries (HG10020)
This project delivered improved communication about irrigation to the Australian horticulture industry, and concluded in 2012.
19 January 2015
New rootstocks to improve production and water use efficiency, sustainability and reduce risks of dried grape production (DG12006)
New high-yielding, water-efficient and drought-tolerant rootstocks for dried grape production were investigated in this project. High-density trials were also conducted.
14 December 2018
Vegetable data generation investments (ST16006, ST17000 and MT17012) (Vegetable data generation investments)
These investments were responsible for generating pesticide residue and crop safety data to support minor use permit applications and renewals.
10 May 2023
Generation of data for pesticide applications in horticulture crops 2018 (ST17000) (ST17000r)
This investment was responsible for generating pesticide residue and crop safety data to support minor use permit applications and renewals.
10 May 2023