241-250 of 306 results
Exploring alternatives for managing Phytophthora root rot in avocados (AV13021)
This project assessed alternative chemical treatments for Phytophthora root rot in avocados, including mandipropamid and potassium silicate.
16 June 2017
Integrated approach for control of foliar diseases in strawberry runner nurseries and management of chemical resistance (BS13004)
This project looked at the control of powdery mildew and leaf blotch in the strawberry industry (both nursery and fruit growing) and led to minor use permits for new fungicides.
14 June 2017
MRL risk analyses and risk management options for major citrus export markets (CT14003)
This project reviewed international standards for pesticide residues for grapefruit, oranges, lemons and mandarins in Australian export markets so that information on maximum residue levels (MRL) could be compiled for exporters
13 June 2017
MRL risk analysis for major export markets of the pome fruit industry (AP14002)
This project produced regular information on apple and pear export requirements around pesticides and maximum residue limits (MRLs).
13 June 2017
New in-field treatment solutions to control fruit fly (VG13041)
Ways to improve management of fruit fly in vegetable crops were investigated in this research, including new chemical controls, baiting and more.
31 May 2017
Study groups enabling industry adaption to pineapple market changes (PI13006)
Pineapple study groups were run through this project, while resources including The Pineapple Problem Solver Field Guide and the industry's updated Best Practice Manual were also developed.
29 May 2017
Fruit maturity assessment on farm using near-infrared technology (MG16002)
This project helped mango growers adopt near-infrared technology for assessing and tracking fruit maturity leading up to and during harvest 2016/17.
26 May 2017
Manipulation of regulatory microRNAs to suppress insecticide resistance in diamondback moth (VG13111)
This project investigated the effect of insecticide resistance and insecticide exposure on the microRNA profile of diamondback moth larvae.
15 May 2017
Development and publication of the macadamia industry Integrated Orchard Management booklet (MC14007)
The Macadamia Integrated Orchard Management Practice Guide, Drainage Guide and other resources were produced by this project.
12 May 2017
Grower study tour of New Zealand: Precision vegetable production (VG15704)
Precision agriculture techniques and technologies for vegetable production were observed in a 2016 study tour to New Zealand, funded through this project.
7 March 2017