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Completed project Final Research Report

Building competitive banana production systems for a sustainable future (BA09038)

This project investigated factors that might maintain crop uniformity in bananas and susceptibility to plant pests and diseases

26 November 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Producing high value dried grapes - Stage 1 (DG13004)

This project investigated how to consistently produce light-coloured dried grapes, looking at maturity at time of drying, the use of protective covers and more.

23 October 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

A benefit/cost assessment in citrus integrated pest management following the application of soil amendments (CT10022)

This project investigated the use of compost to reduce emergency of citrus thrips from soil as part of an integrated pest management approach

13 October 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Australian Chestnut Grower's Handbook (CH12003)

This project produced the Australian Chestnut Growers’ Handbook. The handbook includes a history of the Australian chestnut industry, agronomy, species and varietal choice, orchard establishment, tree nutrition, chestnut harvesting, post‐harvest storage of chestnuts, environmental assurance, production economics and market opportunities.

8 August 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Canopy management strategies for improved and sustainable productivity part 2: completing research and supporting on-farm assessment by growers (MC11000)

Controlling macadamia tree size/canopy management was the focus of this work, which investigated early tree training, root pruning, trunk girdling and strategic hedging timing.

27 June 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

The New South Wales banana industry development officer (BA13025)

This project supported the activities of an industry development officer for the NSW banana industry between 2014 and 2017, including the production of subtropical nutrition guidelines.

21 June 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Enhancing market attitudes towards IPM and sustainable vegetable production practices (VG12084)

Consumer attitudes towards sustainable vegetable production practices including integrated pest management (and possible friendly insect contamination) were investigated in this project.

20 June 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Increasing energy efficiency and assessing an alternate energy option for Australian protected cropping (VG09124)

To help growers assess their energy use and costs, this project developed information resources. It also investigated lower-energy alternative heating technologies for greenhouses.

18 June 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Developing improved strawberry germplasm management and runner quality (BS09024)

This project looked at vegetative propagation for strawberry runners and established a runner accrediation scheme for the strawberry industry.

5 June 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Growing sub-tropical bananas for quality and yield (BA08003)

Carnarvon in Western Australia was explored as an alternative banana production region in this 2008/09 project, with growing guidelines for the area developed.

12 March 2014