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Completed project Final Research Report

Improving consistency of soluble solids concentrations in summerfruit (SF11000)

This project investigated factors influencing variation in fruit quality within summerfruit trees and how it can be improved through tree management and fruit thinning.

12 February 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Citrus drought survival and recovery trial (CT08014)

The effects of deficit irrigation management in citrus were explored in this research, with a view to helping growers maintain healthy trees during drought.

3 February 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Optimising phosphonate use for Phytophthora root rot management in Shepard avocados in North Queensland (AV11011)

Ways to improve phosphonate application for the control of Phytophthora root rot in Shepard avocados were investigated in this project.

29 January 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Understanding apple and pear production systems in a changing climate (AP12029)

This project considered the vulnerability of the apple and pear industry to climate change, including effects on winter chill, tree flowering, fruit sunburn and fruit yield.

9 September 2012

Completed project Final Research Report

Improving yield and quality in avocado through disease management - phase 2 (AV10001)

Managing avocado diseases to increase yield, fruit quality and avocado tree health was the focus of this research, which included work into Phytophthora, brown root rot, phosphorous acid and IDM.

15 August 2011

Completed project Final Research Report

Scoping herbicide impacts on banana production and soil health (BA13002)

This project investigated the potential impact of herbicides on soil health in banana production, with a focus on their influence on soil microorganisms.

14 September 2009