51-60 of 306 results
Strategic Agrichemical Review Process (SARP) - Updates (MT21005)
This investment delivered the 2021 Strategic Agrichemical Review Process (SARP) for several horticultural industries.
10 May 2023
Australian apple and pear industry innovation and adoption program (AP15004) and Delivery of apple and pear Future Orchards extension program (AP15005) (AP15004 and AP15005)
These investments delivered the apple and pear Future Orchards program, which was responsible for accelerating and expanding the adoption of innovation and technology in apple and pear businesses and facilitating industry capacity-building.
18 October 2021
Improved tree and fruit nutrition for the Australian apple industry (AP14023)
This project worked towards a tool to help growers determine average irrigation and nitrogen requirements, assess the efficiency of their current management practices and more.
18 October 2021
Vegetable Strategic Agrichemical Review Process (SARP) report updates (VG18004)
This investment facilitated a 2020 Strategic Agrichemical Review Process (SARP) for the vegetable industry, to provide an updated view of current priorities and gaps regarding pest, disease and weed control
16 September 2021
A strategic approach to weed management for the Australian vegetable industry (VG15070)
This project delivered weed management tools and techniques for Australian vegetable growers.
14 September 2021
Carbohydrate monitoring to predict yield and understanding fruit set (AV19006)
This project examined the methods and tools needed to monitor carbohydrate status in avocado orchards, as a way of predicting yield and understanding fruit set.
10 September 2021
Improved capacity for integrated disease management of couch smut (Ustilago cynodontis) in turf (TU17002)
An improved integrated disease management plan for couch smut was developed for the turf industry through this project.
10 September 2021
Optimising nutrient management for improved productivity and fruit quality in cherries (ST16005)
This project will assist primary producers increase nitrogen use efficiency.
10 August 2021
A national map of protected cropping systems (AS20003)
This investment delivered a national map of protected cropping systems across Australia.
22 September 2023
Transforming sub-tropical and tropical tree crop productivity (AI13004)
This investment adapted the principles and management systems developed for orchard intensification of temperate tree crops, such as apples, for extensive orchard systems of subtropical and tropical tree crops.
6 August 2021