111-120 of 384 results
RD&E program for control, eradication and preparedness for vegetable leafminer (MT16004)
This project assisted the vegetable industry prepare and protect against the potential spread of the vegetable, serpentine and American serpentine leafminers.
16 March 2021
An Integrated Pest, Disease and Weed Management Program for the Australian Apple and Pear Industry (AP16007)
This program was tasked with helping apple and pear growers develop and maintain pest-resilient farming systems using integrated pest and disease management (IPDM).
16 March 2021
National biosecurity and sustainable plant production program (NY20001)
This investment will prepare the nursery industry for plant pest and disease incursions, adapt to climate change risks through sustainable practices and maintain business continuity.
19 February 2021
Resourcing, supporting and assessing biosecurity in nursery production (NY20000)
This investment is enhancing the biosecurity preparedness of the Australian nursery industry through new pest and disease contingency plans
19 February 2021
Vegetable agrichemical pest management needs and priorities (VG16060)
This project prioritised agrichemical efforts for the vegetable industry.
28 January 2021
Integrated pest management of citrus gall wasp and Fuller’s rose weevil (CT19009)
This investment is improving the management of citrus gall wasp and Fuller’s rose weevil, two of the most significant insect pests of citrus in Australia.
14 January 2021
Sampling for Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (CLso) (PT19001)
This project has developed a sampling kit and protocols for the collection and preservation of field samples for testing of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (CLso) in potato tubers.
12 January 2021
Banana strategic industry development manager (BA16008)
This project supported the role and activities of an industry development manager for the banana industry, to implement and respond to industry-related strategies and policies, and provide support for the adoption of new practices.
12 January 2021
Impact of pesticides on beneficial arthropods of importance in Australian vegetable production (VG16067)
This project investigated the impact of pesticides on insect and mite species that are important in vegetable crops, to provide a series of crop-specific management guides.
23 October 2020
Generation of data for pesticide applications in horticulture crops 2020 (ST19020)
This investment is responsible for generating pesticide residue and crop safety data to support minor use permit applications and renewals.
22 October 2020