161-170 of 384 results
Reconnaissance and recommendations for mistletoe management in macadamia orchards (MC18001)
This project summarised current knowledge about mistletoe management and provided interim recommendations as well as priorities for future research
22 January 2019
Mite and insect disinfestation of lychee fruit using high pressure water sprays (LY18000)
This investment investigated how to optimise the use of high-pressure water to remove surface pests on lychees.
31 March 2020
Conditional non-host systems protocol for fruit fly in mangoes (MG17005)
This project investigated mango hardness and its relationship to the fruit's fruit fly host status.
11 August 2021
Mechanisms and manipulation of resistance to powdery scab in potato roots (PT17003)
This project investigated root resistance to powdery scab infection in potatoes.
24 May 2023
Review of the biosecurity plan for the berry sector (MT18004)
This project will deliver a cohesive biosecurity plan for the Australian berry sector
1 March 2019
Manipulating mango flowering to extend harvest window (MG12012)
This project investigated the climatic conditions associated with mango flowering in the Northern Territory, and chemical treatments that can be used to promote this process.
20 February 2019
Facilitating adoption of IPM through a participatory approach with local advisors and industry (VG15034 and VG15035)
This program worked to increase the uptake of integrated pest management (IPM) practices among South Australian vegetable growers.
20 February 2019
Characterisation and management of Fusarium wilt of watermelon (VM12001)
Fusarium wilt in watermelon was studied in this research, which identified the specific fungal pathogen species involved and looked at resistant rootstocks.
5 February 2019
Monitoring psyllids and psyllid predators in Australian potato crops (PT14001)
This project maintained a psyllid and psyllid predator trapping program in potato crops across major production areas of eastern Australia for three consecutive cropping seasons.
5 February 2019
Improving management of white-fringed weevils in potatoes (PT09027)
This project investigated white-fringed weevil as a major pest of potatoes. It developed a method to determine the density of grubs present in a paddock and furthered understanding of how the weevil detect roots in the soil.
5 February 2019