11-20 of 384 results
Boosting diagnostic capacity for plant production industries (ST19017)
The overarching objective of this project was to ensure Australia’s biosecurity services maintain a state of the art and fit-for-purpose diagnostics regime and in-field management capability.
15 August 2024
Australian horticulture pest innovation program (ST23002)
This program is supporting the vegetable industry to transition to a more proactive and sustainable approach to integrated pest management through the latest technology.
4 July 2024
Management options for reducing the reliance on insecticides for fall armyworm in sweet corn (VG23006)
This investment is providing vegetable growers with reliable crop monitoring methods and a broad suite of tactics to reduce frequency of insecticide applications and ensure ongoing viability sweet corn and capsicum production in high-risk fall armyworm regions.
3 May 2024
PestREADI: Regionally-enabled agroecological decision (BY22003)
The investment is developing and implementing pest management systems that can respond to a range of current, establishing, and future interrelated pest challenges at both crop and landscape levels within an increasingly chemically-limited future.
19 March 2024
Translating RNAi technology for virus and whitefly management in protected cropping systems (AS22003)
This project is developing a new crop protection approach to manage viruses and their insect vectors in Australian protected cropping applications, with the overall aim of improving sustainability and profitability.
19 March 2024
Chestnut rot evaluation trials (CH23002)
This project is delivering chestnut rot trials of Difenoconzole and Pyraclostrobin to establish their level of efficacy and ensure there are no issues with the quality and safety of the subsequent nuts.
21 February 2024
Industry preparedness for exotic root knot nematode (Meloidogyne enterolobii) (MT22012)
This research will use the latest advancements in molecular screening to provide a better understanding of root-knot nematodes occurring in Australia and develop an identification tool for these nematodes that will be more cost effective than methods presently available.
10 January 2024
Pest management for the Australian sweetpotato industry (PW22000)
This project is investigating nematode population diversity in Australian sweetpotato-growing soils in order to develop effective control strategies and provide improved virus diagnostic methods for the industry.
13 December 2023
Revisiting brown etch of pumpkins (VG22012)
This project seeks to identify the causes of brown etch of pumpkins so that growers can better understand how to manage the condition more effectively.
13 December 2023
Biocontrols for snail management in horticulture (BY22006)
This project is investigating current and potential approaches to mollusc control in Australian horticulture .
13 December 2023