311-320 of 384 results
Integrated pest, disease and weed management systems for pineapple (pineapple industry technical officer) (PI12008)
This project investigated management options for major pest, disease and weed threats for the Australian pineapple industry.
10 October 2017
Effect of sulphur dioxide and cold on survival of insects during storage of table grapes (TG15003)
This investment demonstrated that current cold and sulphur dioxide treatments for exported table grapes will kill any accidental occurences of pests including long-tailed mealybug, lady bird beetle, European earwig, Argentine ant, Carpophilus beetle and two-spotted spider mite.
7 September 2017
Classification of the onion rust complex and development of rapid diagnostic assays (VN13001)
Onion rusts affecting Australian crops were investigated by this project, which identified rust complex species and developed diagnostic tests to aid onion rust identification.
3 August 2017
New in-field treatment solutions to control fruit fly (2) (VG13042)
This project produced the Fruit Fly Management for Vegetable Growers guide and investigated new methods for managing and monitoring fruit flies.
3 July 2017
Thrips species in NSW cherries and the timing of associated ring russet injury (CY16000)
This project examined thrips species and activity in the NSW cherry orchards, and investigated correlation with ring russet damage.
27 June 2017
Managing soil borne diseases of onions (VN13003)
A best practice guide for onion stunt was produced by this project, which looked at improving management of the disease as well as looking at root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus neglectus and pink-root-causing Setophoma terrrestris.
16 June 2017
Exploring alternatives for managing Phytophthora root rot in avocados (AV13021)
This project assessed alternative chemical treatments for Phytophthora root rot in avocados, including mandipropamid and potassium silicate.
16 June 2017
Integrated approach for control of foliar diseases in strawberry runner nurseries and management of chemical resistance (BS13004)
This project looked at the control of powdery mildew and leaf blotch in the strawberry industry (both nursery and fruit growing) and led to minor use permits for new fungicides.
14 June 2017
MRL risk analyses and risk management options for major citrus export markets (CT14003)
This project reviewed international standards for pesticide residues for grapefruit, oranges, lemons and mandarins in Australian export markets so that information on maximum residue levels (MRL) could be compiled for exporters
13 June 2017
MRL risk analysis for major export markets of the pome fruit industry (AP14002)
This project produced regular information on apple and pear export requirements around pesticides and maximum residue limits (MRLs).
13 June 2017