351-360 of 384 results
Development of molecular diagnostic tools to detect endemic and exotic pathogens of Prunus species for Australia (MT12005)
Diagnostic tools for common summerfruit and almond pathogens were developed under this investment.
8 March 2016
Identification and management strategies for true bugs in Tasmanian strawberries (BS13003)
Damaging bug species in Tasmanian strawberry crops were identified in this work, which produced pest and beneficial identification guides and integrated pest management information.
18 February 2016
National honey bee pest surveillance program (MT12011)
This investment supported the National Bee Pest Surveillance Program (NBPSP) from 2013 to 2016, to help safeguard pollination-dependent industries.
5 February 2019
A model for industry planning and preparedness for an incursion of Varroa mite (MT12049)
This project tested the preparedness of Australia’s pollination-dependent industries for an incursion of the exotic bee pest Varooa mite (Varroa destructor).
16 November 2015
The cause and management of crown rot of banana (BA13011)
This project developed a greater understanding of crown end rot (CER) in the banana supply chain, including contributing factors and control approaches.
16 November 2015
Fruit fly integrated pest management for summerfruit, with a focus on developing an effective female lure-and-kill device (SF12013)
This project demonstrated the effectiveness of a lure-and-kill tool for female Queensland fruit fly in summerfruit crops.
30 October 2015
Managing biting fly in vegetable crop residues (VG12022)
This project investigated techniques to minimise stable fly breeding in vegetable crop residues left after harvest, producing recommendations for vegeable growers.
26 October 2015
Updating and republishing valuable vegetable industry resources (VG12087)
The Veg Pest ID app to help vegetable growers identify pests and diseases was produced by this investment, which also updated and published field guides describing pests, diseases and disorders of brassica, babyleaf, sweetpotato, sweet corn, carrots, celery and parsley.
8 October 2015
Integrated management of diseases in macadamia industry (MC12007)
Macadamia integrated disease management strategies were developed and extended by this project, including for husk spot and Phytophthora root rot.
24 September 2015
Plant health biosecurity, risk management and capacity building for the nursery industry (NY11001)
For nursery businesses, this project produced more than 20 fact sheets on pest and disease identification and management, while also delivering training workshops, diagnostic services and biosecurity support.
13 July 2015