81-90 of 102 results
Development of soil disinfestation systems for production of certified strawberry runners (BS13000)
This project looked at new soil disinfestation and growing approaches for the production of high-health strawberry runners in the absence of methyl bromide.
1 June 2016
Mechanisms of cultivar- and race-based disease resistance in avocado (AV09024)
Phytophthora root rot was this project's focus, including avocado and avocado rootstock susceptibility, tolerance and resistance to the disease.
13 April 2016
Marker assisted breeding of papaya to develop new commercial lines (PP10005)
The papaya industry's breeding program for new varieties was supported by this project from 2011 to 2015.
9 March 2016
Evaluation of CSIRO table grape breeding material in the Murray Valley, Queensland, WA and the NT (TG13001)
This project progressed identification of new table grape varieties with the potential to improve growers’ profitability and productivity, amid the challenges of variable climates, limited water supply and growing international competition.
16 December 2015
Transforming tenderness and eating quality in tropical sweetcorn through introgression of tender germplasm (VG10105)
This project undertook preliminary work towards the development of commercially useful hybrids of sweetcorn.
14 December 2015
Avocado rootstock assessment and improvement – interim (AV13018)
Avocado rootstock evaluation and improvement work was supported by this project between 2013 and 2015.
30 November 2015
Protecting Australia's citrus genetic material (CT10008)
This project funded protection and testing of the National Citrus Repository pest and disease free foundation trees for nursery tree production, from 2010 to 2015
24 July 2015
Assessment of new varieties to improve fruit quality in dried prunes (DP12000)
New varieties of prunes were evaluated for suitability to Australian conditions under this project, which led to the release of California French Improved and Muir Beauty varieties.
5 June 2015
Pear rootstocks trial (AP10016)
New dwarfing and semi-dwarfing rootstocks for pear varieties were trialed under this project in combination with different pear varities and training systems.
6 May 2015
Making good variety investment decisions: a tree fruit variety evaluation program for Australia (MT10051)
This project involved planting a number of banana crops in four key production regions across Australia to evaluate the characteristics of a number of varieties
7 October 2014