41-50 of 107 results
Global scan for vegetable innovation - fresh and minimally processed (VG13080)
This project examined vegetable innovations from around the world to identify viable opportunities for Australian vegetable growers.
26 March 2015
Managing the risk of flesh browning for Cripps Pink apples using a climate model (AP08004)
This project examined the relationship between radial flesh browning and growing temperature in Cripps Pink apples.
15 April 2014
New product development information for the vegetable industry (VG14031)
This investment developed a number of best practice resources around the development of new and value-added products for Australian vegetable businesses, including the development of the Vegetable Innovation online portal which hosts all the project’s resources.
21 December 2018
Monitoring mango fruit quality through the supply chain to the US - 2 (MG16003)
The development of mango exports to the United States of America was supported by this project through the 2016/17 and 2017/18 seasons, with qualoty and compliance monitored through the supply chain.
26 June 2017
Improving mango quality through accurate harvest maturity (MG13015)
This research piloted the use of dry matter assessment to determine mango maturity and provided in-market assessments of fruit quality through its run.
15 April 2014
Identifying factors that contribute to mango resin canal discolouration (MG12018)
What causes resin canal discolouration in mangoes was investigated in this project, which looked at Kensington Pride mangoes.
25 June 2014
Improving fruit quality and profitability of Honey Gold mango (MG10009)
Improving Honey Gold mango fruit quality was the focus of this work, including investigating factors that contribute to fruit downgrading.
12 June 2014
Reducing skin damage and improving postharvest efficiency of Calypso mango (MG10008)
This project investigated ways to reduce skin damage/ageing in Calypso mango and approaches for gaining postharvest efficiencies, such as the feasibility of in-transit ripening.
31 May 2015
Novel, sustainable and profitable horticultural management systems: soil amendments and carbon sequestration (HG10025)
Approaches to converting horticultural and other organic waste into biochar as an alternative to traditionally composting were explored in this research.
14 December 2018
A value chain approach to horticultural product innovation (AI13012)
This short scoping study helped identify opportunities for maximising value, use and price for Australian produce that currently is not sold as premium produce.
14 December 2018