51-60 of 107 results
Advanced processing of almonds (AL12003)
This investment supported research into advanced processing technologies for almonds, including effective aeration and dehydration, hulling, cracking and temperature sensors.
7 November 2018
Australian Citrus Quality Standards – stage 3 (CT15013)
Support for the citrus industry to improve harvest timing decisions, grade Imperial mandarin granulation and establish strong links with major retailers
10 May 2019
Advanced stable fly management for vegetable producers (VG15002)
This investment investigated strategies to reduce the development of stable flies in crop residues left after vegetable harvest
24 January 2019
Creating value from edible vegetable waste (VG15076)
Researchers produced high nutrition vegetable powders and fermented purees using carrot and broccoli that would otherwise have gone to waste
19 February 2019
Supply chain quality improvement – technologies and practices to reduce bruising (AV15009)
This project investigated innovative technologies for reducing avocado bruising at the retail level, as well as producing best practice avocado handling information
26 October 2018
Coir waste management for hydroponic berries (MT17016)
An evaluation of coir waste management in raspberries and blackberries including disposal options for growers
10 May 2019
InfoPome 3 (AP15008)
This investment supported the system maintenance and development of InfoPome, the apple and pear industry's stock tracking system.
1 December 2018
Supply chain quality improvement – cool chain best practice guidelines (AV15010)
This investment has produced resources to allow the adoption of best-practice in avocado cool-chain management and post-harvest handling across all sectors of the avocado supply chain, from orchard to retail.
27 September 2018
Improving processing vegetable yields through improved production practices (VG16011)
This project was tasked with identifying, assessing and bringing to growers new innovations for increasing yields or reducing input costs for processing vegetable crops in Australia.
11 September 2018
Data collection to facilitate supply chain transparency – stage 3 (MG15003)
This investment provides mango growers and other industry participants with timely domestic information on two key factors that can influence profitability: mango wholesale prices and eating quality.
28 August 2018