81-90 of 107 results
Implementing improvements in the avocado supply chain (AV12013)
This project compiled quality improvement reference materials and BPR training modules for avocado supply chain participants, including retailers.
19 February 2016
Ultrasonic drying of horticultural food products (DP12001)
Ultrasound technology for the prune industry was asssed in this project, with ultrasonic pre-treatment found to enhance the process of drying plums.
15 February 2016
Improved postharvest management of chestnuts - phase 2 (CH14005)
Temperatures throughout chestnut supply chains, including during international shipping, were monitored in this research. It also reviewed chestnut retail displays, price and quality.
24 December 2015
The cause and management of crown rot of banana (BA13011)
This project developed a greater understanding of crown end rot (CER) in the banana supply chain, including contributing factors and control approaches.
16 November 2015
Scoping study of a disorder that reduces shelf life and consumption of green beans (VG14040)
A post-harvest 'rust' disorder that reduces shelf life and damages the appearance of green beans was investigated in this study, which pointed to potential causes of the previously uncharacterised condition.
24 July 2015
Passionfruit supply chain and distribution (PF13006)
Insights into the passionfruit industry supply chain, plus production information and sales data, were produced by this investment.
20 July 2015
Developing a commercial shelf life test for macadamias (MC12002)
A rapid test to predict shelf-life and quality of macadamias was evaluated in this project, which looked at the use of the OdourScan 'electronic nose' instrument.
16 July 2015
Data collection to facilitate supply chain transparency - stage 2 (MG12007)
Between 2012 and 2015, daily wholesale prices and information on mango quality at the markets was reported to growers through this project.
13 July 2015
Innovative ways to address waste management on vegetable farms (VG13109)
This project investigated and assessed the feasibility of different plastic processing opportunities for waste from vegetable farms
5 June 2015
Reducing flesh bruising and skin spotting in Hass avocado (AV10019)
This project investigated flesh bruising - a major postharvest concern for the avocado industry. It identified critical points in the supply chain where brusing happens and more.
5 June 2015