31-40 of 136 results
Fresh and Secure Trade Alliance (FASTA) (AM22000)
The Fresh and Secure Trade Alliance (FASTA) sees key Aussie export stakeholders and authorities joining forces to help protect and grow Australia’s horticultural exports.
13 August 2023
Almond market access and trade development 2023 – 2026 (AL22004)
This investment supports the continued growth in export markets for Australian almonds through a range of market access and development activities.
3 July 2023
Horticulture trade data (MT22005)
This investment provides Hort Innovation with a subscription to the Global Trade Atlas Database.
3 April 2023
Cherry trade development project 2022-2025 (CY21001)
This investment supports the export readiness of the Australian cherry industry to take advantage of existing, new, and emerging export opportunities through a diverse range of activities.
6 December 2022
Avocado sunblotch viroid survey (AV18007)
This investment surveyed for avocado sunblotch viroid in growing regions across Australia, to provide evidence to support declarations of regional or national freedom from the pathogen.
6 October 2022
Framework for strategic Australia-India partnership in R&D and trade (AM21007)
This project is providing a structured and suppored mechanism for Australia to partner with India on horticultural R&D and trade.
5 October 2022
Melon export strategy 2022-2027 (VM22000)
This short project developed a five-year export strategy for the melon industry that will guide export activity from 2022 to 2027.
20 December 2022
Avocado market research (AV22000)
This short project delivered an easy-to-digest resource for avocado growers and exporters looking to develop their export capability and grow their exports, with a specific focus on identified priority markets such as Thailand and India.
30 January 2023
Serviced supply chains II (AM21000)
This project is delivering decision support tools for growers and exporters to manage supply chain risks and deliver consistent product quality.
31 August 2022
Collaborative food and wine market development project (HA20005)
This project is delivering a platform to communicate Australia’s common positive attributes, develop common messaging about premium Australian food and wine in four markets and strengthen visibility of Australian branding overseas.
31 August 2022