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Completed project

New end-point treatment solutions to control fruit fly (2) (VG13044)

This project developed a data package concerning Queensland fruit fly to meet requirements for a new market access protocol for the export of capsicums to New Zealand.

17 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

China market readiness and entry (SF16000)

This investment supported export training, the facilitation of registrations and audits and more, to help the summerfruit industry embark on exporting nectarines to China.

16 December 2017

Completed project Final Research Report

Tropical fruit export strategy (MT17002) (MT17002e)

This investment was tasked with developing individual export strategies for a range of tropical commodities, feeding into an overarching export strategy for Australian tropical fruit.

15 May 2018

Completed project

Tropical fruit export strategy (MT17002) (MT17002d)

This investment was tasked with developing individual export strategies for a range of tropical commodities, feeding into an overarching export strategy for Australian tropical fruit.

15 May 2018

Completed project

Tropical fruit export strategy (MT17002) (MT17002c)

This investment was tasked with developing individual export strategies for a range of tropical commodities, feeding into an overarching export strategy for Australian tropical fruit.

15 May 2018

Completed project

Tropical fruit export strategy (MT17002) (MT17002b)

This investment was tasked with developing individual export strategies for a range of tropical commodities, feeding into an overarching export strategy for Australian tropical fruit.

15 May 2018

Completed project

Tropical fruit export strategy (MT17002) (MT17002a)

This investment was tasked with developing individual export strategies for a range of tropical commodities, feeding into an overarching export strategy for Australian tropical fruit.

16 May 2018

Completed project

Consumer research in key export markets for the citrus industry (CT17005) (CT17005a)

Market trend reports for China and Japan were produced for the citrus industry by this investment, to help sustain export market growth.

14 December 2018

Completed project

Berry export strategy (MT17001)

This project was tasked with identifying, sizing and prioritising opportunities for the industries in international markets, through the development of an export strategy.

14 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Monitoring mango fruit quality through the supply chain to the US - 2 (MG16003)

The development of mango exports to the United States of America was supported by this project through the 2016/17 and 2017/18 seasons, with qualoty and compliance monitored through the supply chain.

26 June 2017