101-105 of 105 results
Avocado industry fruit quality benchmarking (AV11015)
Avocado quality benchmarking data and insights were produced by this project, forming the basis of the Qualicado program between 2012 and 2016.
30 January 2015
Review optimal cooking techniques for vegetables to maximise retention of nutrients (VG13087)
This project collated scientific information on the impact of cooking on texture, flavour, colour and nutrient content across vegetables, delivered through the Veggycation website.
27 January 2015
Identify process improvements for preserving peak freshness of broccoli (VG13086)
An analysis of broccoli freshness, quality and display in retail stores was conducted by this project, which also looked at ways to maintain and improve quality along the supply chain.
3 December 2014
Optimum vegetable portion size to meet consumer needs (VG12094)
Consumer attidudes and needs regarding portion-packed vegetables were explored by this research, inspired by the idea that consumers may be purchasing fewer vegetables for fear of wasting them.
25 June 2014
Enhancing market attitudes towards IPM and sustainable vegetable production practices (VG12084)
Consumer attitudes towards sustainable vegetable production practices including integrated pest management (and possible friendly insect contamination) were investigated in this project.
20 June 2014