71-80 of 105 results
Demographic research for the vegetable industry – phase 2 (VG15019)
From 2016 into 2017, this project provided Nielsen Homescan data to the vegetable industry.
3 July 2017
Papaya consumer research (PP17001)
Consumer research was undertaken through this project to better understand papaya consumption in Australia.
16 December 2018
Understanding consumer triggers and barriers to consumption of Australian indigenous vegetables and Asian vegetables (VG15071)
This investment identified commercially viable Australian indigenous and Asian vegetables, assessed their consumer appeal and provided recommendation for industry to ensure the greatest likelihood of success in the market.
10 January 2018
Educational opportunities around perceptions of, and aversions to, vegetables through digital media (VG16018)
This investment focused on improving attitudes and education of kids aged 8 to 12 towards vegetables. It delivered an online resource called Phenomenom with videos, lesson plans and activities to help teachers and families deliver food literacy and nutrition education.
21 December 2018
Consumer research in key export markets for the citrus industry (CT17005) (CT17005a)
Market trend reports for China and Japan were produced for the citrus industry by this investment, to help sustain export market growth.
14 December 2018
In market insights and emergency scenario planning (TG17000) (TG17000a)
This project developed an in-market intelligence plan and analysis report for key export markets for Australian table grapes.
13 December 2018
In-market insights and emergency planning (SF17000) (SF17000a)
Activities in this project included developing an in-market intelligence plan and analysis of key export markets for Australian summerfruit
8 March 2019
Australian Citrus Quality Standards – stage 3 (CT15013)
Support for the citrus industry to improve harvest timing decisions, grade Imperial mandarin granulation and establish strong links with major retailers
10 May 2019
Mango supply chain data collection – phase 4 (MG17006)
This data collection program provided Australian mango growers and other industry participants with regular domestic reporting on mango wholesale prices and eating quality.
31 May 2019
Supply chain quality improvement – technologies and practices to reduce bruising (AV15009)
This project investigated innovative technologies for reducing avocado bruising at the retail level, as well as producing best practice avocado handling information
26 October 2018