11-20 of 77 results
Almond industry statistics and data collection 2023-2025 (AL22007)
This project collects industry statistics and makes them readily available to almond growers and other industry stakeholders, such as processors and marketers.
24 September 2023
National vegetable and onion benchmarking program (MT22009)
This project is providing vegetable and onion growers with the ability to compare their businesses against national and regional benchmarking data.
3 July 2023
Banana industry benchmarking (BA22009)
This investment equips Australian banana growers with the ability to compare their businesses against national and regional benchmarking data.
3 July 2023
Avocado industry benchmarking (AV22004)
This project is equipping avocado growers with benchmarking data to inform their decision-making and to provide financial and production insights to the industry as a whole.
19 April 2023
Horticulture trade data (MT22005)
This investment provides Hort Innovation with a subscription to the Global Trade Atlas Database.
3 April 2023
Benchmarking the macadamia industry 2019-2021 (MC18002)
This investment supplied on-farm benchmarking information to the macadamia industry.
13 December 2022
Macadamia crop forecasting 2023-2025 (MC22001)
This investment is responsible for producing climate-adjusted crop forecasts for the macadamia industry each year from 2023 to 2025, along with longer-term forecasts out to 10 years for expected production amounts.
29 November 2022
Macadamia industry benchmarking and industry sustainability insights 2022-2027 (MC22000)
This investment is responsible for delivering a range of metrics to support decision-making and improve farm productivity and profitability within the Australian macadamia industry.
29 November 2022
Consumer behavioural and retail data for fresh produce (MT17015) (MT17015s)
This multi-industry investment provided regular consumer behaviour data and insight reporting about the melon industry through the Harvest to Home platform.
10 October 2022
Macadamia international insights data (MC22002)
This investment provides the macadamia industry with data on retail point-of-sale data for packaged nuts in the USA, Germany and China.
5 October 2022