91-100 of 330 results
Processing tomato industry development and extension (TM20000)
This project is delivering effective research, development and capacity building solutions to Australian processing tomato businesses, to improve profitability and sustainability.
16 September 2021
Leadership development program (MT18016)
This multi-industry leadership-building project was tasked with delivering development program for sweetpotato, raspberry and blackberry, and vegetable workers.
14 September 2021
Development of the National onion industry extension strategy (VN20000)
This short investment examined the Australian onion industry’s extension needs and opportunities to develop a delivery strategy.
14 September 2021
Australian passionfruit industry communications program (PF16003)
This investment was responsible for keeping Australian passionfruit growers and other industry stakeholders informed about the latest R&D and marketing activities, and other key industry news.
13 September 2021
Developing nursery industry career pathways (NY19006)
This investment worked to attract new entrants and retain existing staff across all sectors of the Australian nursery industry by delivering training programs and showcasing job opportunities.
13 September 2021
Australian macadamia industry innovation and adoption program (MC15004)
This project enhanced the adoption of innovation and technology, and facilitate capacity building, in the Australian macadamia industry.
13 September 2021
Food safety training, extension and capacity for the melon industry – phase 2 (VM18003)
This investment strengthened food safety systems of the Australian melon industry by supporting best practice adoption across the supply chain.
10 September 2021
Digitisation of East Gippsland Vegetable Innovation Days (VG19001)
This project is supporting the production of 25 videos of the trial sites and speaker presentations that were intended to be part of the program at this year’s East Gippsland Vegetable Innovation Days.
8 September 2021
National Cherry Conference (CY19001)
This project delivered a national cherry conference in 2022 to foster networking opportunities across the industry.
19 December 2022
Australian Mushrooms crisis and risk management (MU18007)
This investment refreshed and maintained a crisis and reputation risk management plan for the Australian mushroom industry
26 July 2021