111-120 of 330 results
Joint-RDC community trust program (ST19042)
The Community Trust in Rural Industries Program is a collaborative partnership between several Rural Research and Development Corporations (RDCs), the National Farmer’s Federation (NFF) and New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) to build the capacity of food and fibre industries to productively engage with the community.
22 February 2021
Australian potato industry communication and extension project (PT20000)
This investment is tasked with supporting Australian potato growers in adopting improved practices on-farm and keeping up to date with the latest industry news, information, resources and technologies.
19 February 2021
Melon industry development and communication (VM17001)
This investment supplied Australian melon growers with the latest industry news, information, resources, and technologies as well as supported the uptake of new and improved on-farm practices.
4 February 2021
Persimmon industry extension and communication program (PR16001)
This project communicated key R&D outcomes and industry news to growers and stakeholders within the persimmon industry.
4 February 2021
Australian papaya industry communication program (PP16001)
This communications program ensured Australian papaya growers and other industry stakeholders were kept up-to-date with the latest R&D outcomes, marketing activities, and other industry news and information.
4 February 2021
Australian lychee industry communications program (LY16005)
This project communicated industry R&D and marketing outcomes to lychee growers to ensure industry best practice and improved management practices can be adopted.
4 February 2021
International Olive Council Committee (OL15002)
This investment ensured the Australian olive industry is prepared for any changes to international regulations.
4 February 2021
Melon industry communications evaluation, needs analysis and strategy development (VM20001)
This short project examined the Australian melon industry’s needs, wants and opportunities around communication activities and developed a proposed approach to deliver them.
30 October 2020
Biosecurity and sustainability in the banana industry (BA19005)
This investment supported the role and activities of an Industry Strategic Manager (ISM) to develop, implement and respond to industry-related strategies and policies in the banana industry.
31 October 2023
Banana strategic industry development manager (BA16008)
This project supported the role and activities of an industry development manager for the banana industry, to implement and respond to industry-related strategies and policies, and provide support for the adoption of new practices.
12 January 2021