121-130 of 330 results
Australian almond industry innovation and adoption program (AL16001)
This project addressed gaps in knowledge and developed new technologies to support the sustainability and competitiveness of the almond industry.
22 October 2020
Educating health professionals about Australian olive products (OL17002)
This project communicated the research-backed evidence on the health benefits of olives to an audience of health professionals, through the Olive Wellness Institute.
28 February 2020
Australia Fresh Collaboration Market Development Program - Almonds (AM15007)
This project developed and managed an Export Market Development Program that aimed to grow Australian almond exports to the West Asian region of the UAE and the East Asian region of Japan.
12 March 2020
2019 National Turf Conference and Women in Turf support (TU19001)
This project supported the 2019 National Turf Conference and a Women in Turf shoulder event.
15 September 2020
Food safety and QA risk management (MU16000)
This project provided an effective risk management mechanism for the mushroom industry through programmed, proactive and reactive activities.
5 August 2020
Vegetable industry leadership and development missions 2019 (VG18002)
This investment provided opportunities for levy payers in the Australian vegetable industry to take part in overseas leadership and development missions
5 March 2020
Annual Vegetable Industry Seminar 2019 (VG18001)
This investment provided funding for vegetable growers across Australia to attend the Annual Vegetable Industry Seminar 2019
4 February 2020
Development of a vegetable education resource – stage 2 (VG15067)
This investment developed a vegetable education resource for teachers use in Australian primary schools.
7 February 2020
Industry extension and development of Plant Life Balance (NY18005)
This project was tasked with delivering industry communications about Plant Life Balance
3 August 2020
Almond study tour (AL16701)
This investment funded study tours for almond industry representatives, to build relationships, knowledge and collaboration with international almond industries.
12 March 2020