251-260 of 330 results
Industry communication through Living Lychee (LY14000)
The Living Lychee journal, industry website and other lychee resources were produced by this project between 2014 and 2017.
5 July 2017
International Onion Research Delegation (VN16001)
This investment brought two international speakers to share knowledge and world best practice with onion growers at the 2016 Hort Connections industry conference.
30 June 2017
VegWHS training resources (VG16031)
Workplace health and training instruction videos for vegetable businesses were produced by this VegPRO sub-project.
30 June 2017
Nuffield Scholarship (AH14014)
This investmented supported a Nuffield Scholarship in 2015, with the recipient studying rural community access to information, infrastructure and representation.
30 June 2017
National cherry development program (CY12023)
Annual cherry roadshows were funded through this project, to bring R&D outcomes, research and advice to Australian cherry growers.
27 June 2017
Industry development for the NSW turf industry (TU12024)
The role and activities of an industry development officer for the New South Wales turf industry were supported by this investment, which ran from 2013 to 2016.
15 June 2017
Study groups enabling industry adaption to pineapple market changes (PI13006)
Pineapple study groups were run through this project, while resources including The Pineapple Problem Solver Field Guide and the industry's updated Best Practice Manual were also developed.
29 May 2017
Fruit maturity assessment on farm using near-infrared technology (MG16002)
This project helped mango growers adopt near-infrared technology for assessing and tracking fruit maturity leading up to and during harvest 2016/17.
26 May 2017
Australian Stonefruit Grower magazine 2016 (SF15003)
This project was responsible for the production of the Australian Stonefruit Grower magazine, between 2016 and 2017.
8 May 2017
Apple and Pear Nuffield Scholarship 2014/2015 (AP13034)
This project supported a Nuffield Scholarship awarded to apple and cherry grower Fiona Hall from Orange, NSW. Fiona studied how Australian growers could improve their profit margins by developing an international understanding of apple growing.
1 May 2017