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Completed project Final Research Report

Potato industry communication strategy management and implementation (PT12004)

This investment delivered components of the potato industry's communications program from 2012 to 2015.

14 November 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Research and development program 2014/2015 for the production nursery industry (NY13029)

A number of interconnected projects were supported by this investment, including work to enhance nursery industry biosecurity, support the implementation of green life, and strengthen industry capacity.

10 November 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Technical communications and policy development for the Australian nursery industry (NY12012)

This project supported the role and activities of a policy and technical officer for the Australian nursery industry, between 2013 and 2016.

11 October 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Building productivity – building profitability: 2014 macadamia conference (MC13703)

The 2014 Australian Macadamia Society Industry Conference was funded through this investment.

11 October 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Nursery industry national conference and regional technical conferences (NY13702)

National Nursery & Garden Industry conferences in 2014 and 2016 were funded through this investment, as well as a series of regional nursery conferences in 2015.

11 October 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Driving awareness and adoption of the citrus industry R&D program through targeted communications (CT13024)

This investment supported the citrus industry's communications program from 2013 to 2015, including production of the Australian Citrus News magazine.

11 September 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Women's grower study tour 2014-2016 (VG13706)

This investment supported vegetable industry participation in the 2015 Women in Horticulture Industry Leadership and Development Mission - a study tour to Europe.

3 September 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Dried fruits knowledge management project (DG13005)

An online library for dried grape production resources was established under this project.

27 June 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Extension of citrus practices to maximise marketable fruit size and economic returns through on-farm trials (CT10030)

This project identified non-profitable practices in the citrus industry, extended the uptake of practices that increased yield and marketable fruit and developed ways to evaluate new technologies through on-farm trials

24 June 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Facilitating development of the Australian chestnut industry – industry development officer (CH13003)

An industry development officer for the chestnut industry was supported by this project between 2013 and 2016.

10 June 2016