311-320 of 330 results
Attracting and retaining young professionals in horticulture (MT11006)
This project delivered agriculture exposure to Australian science teachers and students, through the Primary Industry Centre for Science Education.
5 February 2019
An industry, markets and business development program for the Western Australian citrus value chain (CT11005)
This project supported the role and activities of a Western Australia citrus value chain coordinator between 2011 and 2015.
2 February 2015
Strengthening the strategic capacity of the rubus industry (RB11002)
An industry development manager for the raspberry and blackberry industry was funded by this investment between 2011 and 2014, with work ranging from biosecurity planning to extension activities and a supply chain audit.
27 January 2015
Avocado best management practices and internet-based information delivery (AV10002)
This avocado best management practice project produced the Avocado Problem Solver Field Guide and a host of other growing information.
6 January 2015
Understanding to revitalise fresh pear industry development (AP13011)
This short investment sought to better understand Australian pear growers' information needs and businesses, feeding into future industry development and communication work.
17 October 2014
Banana industry support for Nuffield Australia Farming Scholarship (BA11003)
This investment supported a Nuffield Scholarship in 2013, with the recipient looking at banana biosecurity, fruit quality and waste management.
14 October 2014
Conveying health benefits of Australian vegetables (VG12043)
The Veggycation vegetable education resource was developed by this project and allows consumers, educators and vegetable businesses to access information on the nutritional content and benefits of vegetables.
26 August 2014
Australian almond industry study tour of Spain (AL13701)
This investment funded a 2014 study for Australian almond industry participants to learn about almond production practices in Spain.
8 July 2014
Papaya communications (PP11000)
This investment supported the papaya industry's communications program from 2013 to 2015, delivering the Papaya Post newsletter and industry website.
27 June 2014
Australian sweet persimmon industry development – phase 3 (PR12000)
This project developed the Persimmon Postharvest Manual and also delivered a range of work into pest and disease management, including research into mealy bug and clearwing moth.
25 June 2014