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Completed project Final Research Report

Australian nursery industry communications program (NY18001)

This program ensured Australian nursery and garden growers and other industry stakeholders were kept up-to-date with the latest news, information and R&D and marketing updates to support decision-making within businesses

19 December 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Banana Industry Congress 2021 (BA19003)

The Australian Banana Industry Congress is the Australian banana industry’s signature national event held once every two years. This investment supported the running of the 14th congress, which was held in Cairns, Queensland in March 2021.

12 December 2022

Ongoing project

Vegetable industry communications program (VG22000)

This investment is responsible for effectively communicating the findings of levy-funded R&D and other relevant industry news, issues and data to vegetable growers and other industry stakeholders.

29 November 2022

Ongoing project

Banana industry communications program (BA22000)

This investment is responsible for keeping Australian banana growers informed about industry R&D and other news and developments in a timely way.

29 November 2022

Ongoing project

Passionfruit industry communications program (PF22001)

This investment is responsible for keeping Australian passionfruit growers and other industry stakeholders informed about the latest R&D and marketing activities, best practice information, and other key industry news and resources.

29 November 2022

Completed project

Banana industry congress 2023 (BA22001)

The Australian Banana Industry Congress is the Australian banana industry’s signature national event, held once every two years. This investment supports the running of the 15th congress, which was held in Cairns from 17-19 May 2023.

30 June 2023

Ongoing project

Olive industry communications and extension program (OL22000)

This project is promoting world-best practice in grove management and extending the outcomes of R&D investments to the olive industry to increase productivity, quality and profitability.

24 October 2022

Ongoing project

Chestnut industry communications program (CH22000)

This investment is supporting the development of the Australian chestnut industry through providing a range of communication outputs designed to inform growers and other industry stakeholders.

5 October 2022

Ongoing project

Accelerating the adoption of best management practices for the Australian onion industry (VN21000)

This investment ensures the onion industry is equipped with the information and resources they need to adopt best management practices.

5 October 2022

Ongoing project

Citrus industry communications program (CT21000)

This investment is delivering effective and timely communications to ensure Australian citrus growers and other industry stakeholders are kept up-to-date with the latest R&D and marketing activities, and other industry news and information.

23 September 2022