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Ongoing project

Demonstrating the benefits of building capability and capacity in extension delivery in the vegetable industry (VG21002)

This investment is evaluating the impact of providing additional training and support to industry development officers (IDOs).

10 March 2022

Ongoing project

Sweetpotato industry communications program (PW21000)

This project is responsible for communicating to Australian sweetpotato growers and other industry stakeholders

10 March 2022

Completed project

Dried grape production innovation and adoption program 2018-2021 (DG17001)

This project enhanced industry capacity, production, and quality of dried grapes to increase the productivity and efficiency of the dried grape industry and production.

2 December 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

VegNET 2020-2021 (VegNET 2020-2021)

The VegNET program involved a network of regional development officers across Australia, helping vegetable growers access and adopt industry best practice information.

2 December 2021

Ongoing project

VegNet 3.0 (VG21000)

This investment is tasked with keeping Australian vegetable growers informed about current R&D activities, results and resources

23 November 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Processing tomato industry capacity building (TM17000)

This project facilitated the adoption of R&D outcomes and delivered best practice information to contribute to the future viability of the Australian processing tomato industry.

23 November 2021

Completed project

Technology transfer for pistachio growers (PS17002)

This investment brought the latest in Australian and international research, best practice and technical information to the nation’s pistachio growers.

18 October 2021

Completed project

Australian apple and pear industry innovation and adoption program (AP15004) and Delivery of apple and pear Future Orchards extension program (AP15005) (AP15004 and AP15005)

These investments delivered the apple and pear Future Orchards program, which was responsible for accelerating and expanding the adoption of innovation and technology in apple and pear businesses and facilitating industry capacity-building.

18 October 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Banana industry R&D coordination (BA17002)

This investment supported the role and activities of the Australian Banana Growers’ Council R&D Manager

15 October 2021

Ongoing project

Dried grape production innovation and adoption program 2021-2026 (DG21000)

This project is assisting dried grape producers access and share leading and emerging research and knowledge on production techniques to grow skills, improve productivity and keep quality high.

14 October 2021